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Energy and the Environment 

Post-Project Reflection


Explain your understanding of the relationship between combusting fossil fuels, the greenhouse effect and climate change in a manner that would be appropriate for teaching a middle school student.


       In the last century, humans have made a huge impact on our overall global climate. By burning fossil fuels, mostly coal and natural gas, we are releasing CO2 into our atmosphere. Greenhouse gases act like a shell around the atmosphere, trapping in heat. So by doing everyday things such as driving to school and using electricity, we are contributing to the overall temperature increase in our atmosphere.


What is the role of scientists and engineers in society? In what ways is life as we know it better (or worse) because of their work either in basic scientific research or the development of implementable technologies?


       Scientists and engineers are the people who make our lives easier to live. Scientists are responsible for finding cures and medicines as well answering questions that were never thought to be explainable before. Scientists have contributed to almost everything we use in our everyday lives. Without scientists we would have no way to explain the world around us. Engineers play a role in making things more convenient in our everyday lives such as designing bridges and roads to created a faster computer or more functional prosthetic limbs. Scientists and engineers have able to do extraordinary things like grow body parts and view planets and stars thousands that are thousand of miles from the earth. Engineers and scientists are vital for a successful society.


In your opinion, what is the role of innovation in the development of new cleaner energy production/consumption technologies in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhousegases released into the environment?


       In my opinion, the role of innovation in the development of cleaner consumption technologies for the reduction of greenhouse gasses released into the environment is the only way to ensure that our species survives. The fact is that oceans are rising and rapidly  becoming unhealthy. Climates are changing and many habitats are being compromised. In order to prevent our atmosphere from warming even more and destroying the environment, we as humans, who are ultimately responsible for the global temperature increase, should be doing everything in our power to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for a healthy future for our planet.

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